Love Times Four Page 3
"Oh my God, she must be gay?" Emma almost shouted as she looked across the restaurant.
"Who, Emma?"
"It's Melinda, my new principal. She's sitting over there with another woman."
"Where?" Anna asked, trying to locate the table in question.
"Don't be so obvious." Emma groaned with embarrassment.
"Which one is she?" Tia and Van joined Anna in her perusal of the room.
"She's the woman sitting at the third table across the back. She's with a pretty blond woman."
"She's beautiful." Tia remarked. "She must be gay. Do you think they're together?"
Emma felt the painful catch in her chest as she thought of Melinda with another woman. Why was she acting this way? She didn't even know her that well. Emma didn't want to admit that she had fallen for her principal, but the hurt in her heart was telling her something different. And she didn't want to know that Melinda was with someone. Somehow, deep in the recesses of her heart, Emma had thought Melinda might be someone she could care for.
"Emma, are you all right?" Van touched her hand. "Honey, talk to me." Van's voice and eyes were gentle with love and concern.
"I'm fine, Van. It just caught me off guard."
"Honey, look at me. You've got it bad."
"I know." Emma had fallen hard for Melinda.
"What are you going to do about it?"
"Emma, they're leaving and they're coming this way."
"Great." She groaned. She would have liked to crawl under the table. Given the fact that there was six feet of her, it made it all together impossible.
"Emma, I thought that was you." Melinda was as shocked to run into Emma as she was to see Melinda. She just hid it very well as she approached Emma's table. She had just been telling Julie about Emma. She wondered which one was Emma's date. She couldn't believe her bad luck!
"Hello, Melinda, these are my friends Tia, Van, and Anna. This is my new principal, Melinda Newcastle."
"Hi. This is Julie Marks. She's visiting from Portland for the weekend."
"Hello." The very pretty blond woman, smiled at the group. She surreptitiously checked Emma out. Melinda was right. She was incredibly sexy, as were the other three women at the table.
"Would you like lo join us for a drink?" Anna inquired and flinched when Emma kicked her under the table.
"Sure, Melinda and I would love to." Julie smiled as she pulled up a chair. She was going to see how Emma responded to Melinda. Melinda had been talking about her all evening. "So tell me about your city. I'm thinking about moving here."
Melinda pulled another chair over and sat next to Julie and Tia. She looked up and caught Emma's gaze. Emma's smile made her catch her breath, and she stared in return. She didn't break her gaze from Emma's until Julie poked her in her side to get her attention.
"Melinda, Anna asked you a question."
"I'm sorry. What was the question?"
Van and Tia exchanged knowing glances as they observed Emma and Melinda. It was only a matter of time. They were both attracted to each other. Everyone at the table was aware of it but the two of them. They couldn't keep their eyes off of each other.
The six of them visited and chatted for another hour before Anna announced she was ready to go home. They'd given up on dancing for the evening. Julie and Melinda stood up to leave and the rest of them decided it was time to call it an evening. As Julie said goodnight to the others, Melinda and Emma found themselves face to face. Emma was tongue tied as she looked at Melinda.
"It was really nice running into you, Emma."
"It was a very pleasant surprise to run into you."
"Yes, ah Emma, maybe we need to talk."
"Okay." Emma waited for Melinda to continue.
"Could we get together Monday evening after work?"
"Monday evening would be fine." Emma was puzzled by Melinda's behavior. She hoped she hadn't done anything wrong.
"Good." Melinda went to step away but Emma reached out and clasped her hand.
"I'm glad we ran into each other." She smiled at her.
Melinda squeezed her fingers, gazing back at her. "Emma, I'm very glad we ran into each other."
"Goodnight." Emma whispered softly. She found it difficult to release Melinda's fingers as she headed for Tia and the car. Emma remained lost in thought until she and Tia were well on their way home.
"Well, girlfriend, what are you going to do?" Tia asked as they headed north on Interstate Five.
"What do you mean, what am I going to do?"
"Honey, it looks to me like your principal is smitten with you." Tia chuckled as she glanced at her flustered friend. "And I think you've gotten bitten by the love goddess."
"That's ridiculous!" Emma sputtered, turning away from Tia.
"Someone doth protest too much."
"At least she's gay."
"And very interested in a certain, tall, gorgeous lesbian, who's also my best friend."
"We don't know if she is interested."
"Oh yes, we do. She watched you the whole time she sat at the table. She devoured you with her eyes."
"She did not. Really?"
"Honey, the heat between the two of you was obvious to everyone. Now, I repeat my question. What are you going to do?"
"I don't know."
"Emma, you told me earlier that you're wildly attracted to Melinda. Have you changed your mind?"
"No, but she's the principal of my school. I may not report to her, but I have to work with her."
"And it's very unprofessional behavior to be lusting after the principal of my school."
"Honey, when is the last time you went on a date or made love?"
"What does that have to do with this?"
"Emma, what if she is the one, your soul mate?"
"Tia, what am I going to do?" Emma sounded devastated.
"I think you're going to have to figure that one out with Melinda."
Emma had no response for Tia and remained deep in thought for the rest of the drive until Tia pulled into the driveway. "Thanks, Tia."
"Emma, I love you honey. You deserve to be happy. And if Melinda will make you happy, then I am all for it."
"Thanks Tia, I love you too."
Emma crawled into bed forty minutes later and found it difficult to fall asleep. She thought about the evening and the odds of running into Melinda. At least she knew Melinda was gay. She just didn't know what to do about it. She'd never dated anyone at work. She was very positive it wasn't a smart idea. It could easily get extremely messy. She finally slid into a restless sleep after making the decision she would squelch her feelings for Melinda. It was the best thing to do. Emma didn't want to even think about being involved with someone who could have such a huge affect on her heart. The way that Melinda had looked at her and Emma's reaction had told her that any relationship with Melinda would be risky. Emma wouldn't take the chance to have her heart broken.
Melinda was having an identical silent conversation with herself. She didn't need the headache. And she certainly didn't want a mess on her hands. She had refused to discuss it with Julie on the way home, but she knew it would come up at breakfast. Her heart ached as she was reminded of the embarrassment and heartbreak she had endured at her old job. She couldn't allow it to happen again. She would force herself to forget her feelings for Emma.
Chapter Five
"Melinda, you're overreacting." Julie responded with just a hint of exasperation. She had listened to Melinda's same argument over and over since the two of them had returned from breakfast.
"Julie, you forget what happened."
"I'm not forgetting, but this is a different situation."
"Everyone knew." Melinda's face showed her anger and heartbreak.
"Yes, everyone knew, but no one cared except for a few narrow minded people."
"Those few people just happened to be on the school bo
"Honey, I know everything was very hard on you. I wish I could take your pain away. But it's over and you need to move on." Julie hugged her tightly trying to take the sting out of her words. She wouldn't hurt Melinda for the world. She just wanted to make her leave the past behind.
"And now it's starting all over again." Melinda's voice broke, her eyes filling with tears.
"Honey, it isn't the same. The school board here knows you are gay. No one can hurt you with that information."
"I just can't take any chances."
"Melinda, do you like Emma?"
Melinda hesitated before answering. "She's beautiful, funny, and very nice."
"And sexy as hell."
"That doesn't mean I have to be anything more then a friend."
Julie ignored Melinda's last statement. She had seen the smoldering looks between her and Emma. It was only a matter of time. And if she could do anything about it, she would push the two of them together. Melinda deserved to be happy. She was such a good person.
"So what are you going to say to Emma Monday night?"
"I'm going to ask her to keep my being gay quiet. I don't want it to be all over the school. And I am going to make sure she knows we're just friends."
"Emma doesn't strike me as a person that would gossip. What about her feelings? Don't you think she might have her own opinion?"
"Of course, I won't hurt Emma's feelings, but I can't let anything happen again."
"What happened to you will never happen again. Rita didn't care who she hurt."
"Especially me."
"You didn't know she was so unstable."
"I should have seen the signs."
"No one saw the signs. She was ill, honey."
"But I was sleeping with her."
"Honey, hindsight is always much clearer. Please, stop punishing yourself. It's been over a year."
"I just wish I could forget about everything."
"Melinda, you of all people deserve to be happy."
"Thanks, Julie. I'm glad you came up this weekend. I'm sorry I'm being such a pain."
"You aren't being a pain, and I'm glad I could visit. I miss my best friend."
"I miss you, too." The two women hugged tightly. They had known each other for several years and Julie had stood by Melinda when she had needed a friend very badly. Melinda loved her very much.
Julie headed back home to Portland a little after one that afternoon and Melinda tried to put her apartment in order. It still looked fairly empty and not much like a home. She wasn't used to so little space. Most of her things were in storage, especially since she had moved from a three-bedroom house to a two-bedroom apartment. Melinda worked until late evening to complete most of the unpacking. It wasn't until she crawled into bed that she began to worry about what to say to Emma.
Chapter Six
Monday morning was just too busy for both Melinda and Emma. They didn't run into each other until lunch time. Melinda literally collided with Emma as she was coming out of her office, papers tumbling out of Emma's hands.
"Emma, are you okay?"
"Yes." Emma chuckled as she bent to pick her things up. "I should have looked before I flew out of my office."
"Are you as busy as I am?" Melinda helped her gather up her folders.
"Are you still up to getting together after work?"
"Good. I should be able to get out of here by 5:30. Would you like to go get a bite to eat?"
"That would be great. My last conference is at 4:30."
"Shall I meet you here at 5:30?"
"Perfect." Emma smiled at the very nervous woman standing next to her. She knew the feeling. Her stomach was full of butterflies as she gazed at Melinda.
"Great, I'll see you later then. I'm sorry I ran over you."
"Melinda, maybe you haven't noticed, but I'm a pretty strong woman. I think I can survive a small collision."
"Oh, I've noticed." Melinda grinned as she headed down the hall.
Emma couldn't keep from smiling back at her. Melinda was very cute when she flirted.
Monday afternoon flew by for Emma, as she dealt with mini problems, unhappy students, and anything else that crossed her busy desk. She was still industriously recording notes from her last meeting when Melinda walked though her open office door and slumped in her chair.
"How do you look so fresh and stylish after ten hours of work? I know you've been here as long as I have."
"Underneath this calm, cool exterior, is a woman just begging to take her shoes off." Emma's eyes twinkled as she spoke. Melinda didn't have a hair out of place. She looked as fresh and as appealing as she'd looked at lunch time.
"Then let's get out of here so you can do that. What do you say to takeout at my house? Shoes are optional." Melinda responded, her own eyes sparkling with humor.
"I'm done. I just need to lock up."
The two of them visited easily about their school day as they walked through the now empty school corridor, their voices echoing loudly. It was amazing how a few hundred students could transform the building with their noise, energy, and enthusiasm. Now it was silent and restful, as the two of them exited out of the side door, heading for the equally empty parking lot.
"Emma, do you like Chinese food?"
"I love it."
"There's a restaurant two blocks from my apartment that has pretty good food. Do you want to follow me and we can stop on the way? I'm afraid I'm not much of a cook."
"Chinese will be just fine, and I'll follow you."
It took less then a half an hour for the two of them to pick up the takeout and get to Melinda's home. It was an older apartment complex with a lot of charm. The apartment was good-sized, filled with oak furniture that matched the shiny wood floors. Two overstuffed couches made up the living room, along with two large watercolors of soft beach scenes. Emma felt herself relax as she followed Melinda into the spotless apartment, through the dining room, and into the kitchen. The apartment was very restful and softly elegant, just like Melinda.
"Come on in and make yourself comfortable. Please feel free to take your shoes off. I'll get some plates for us. Would you like a glass of wine?"
"Wine would be nice. Here, let me help. We bought way too much food. There's enough here for four people."
"I always order too much and then I end up eating it for days." Melinda laughed as she placed china plates on the counter, and then poured wine into two crystal wine glasses. "Here's your wine. Why don't we eat at the dining room table?"
Emma picked up the bag of food and the plates, following Melinda to a very old dining room table. "Do you collect antiques?"
"A little, just a few odds and ends."
"This table is beautiful."
"Thanks, it took me six weeks to refinish it."
"You did it yourself?" Emma was very impressed, as her eyes slid over the shining wood surface of the table. Melinda placed two placemats onto the table and took the plates from Emma.
"I like doing things like that. Here, have a seat."
"You're lucky. I'm not in the least bit handy with tools. I'm much better at gardening. I can hear my house groan when I pick up a hammer." Emma laughed as she sat down next to Melinda and sipped her wine. "Anna has made me promise not to do any more carpentry jobs on my house. It took her and Van two weeks to fix my last one."
"Well, I can't keep a plant alive, so we're even." Melinda grinned, as she handed Emma one of the white cartons from the bag.
"Melinda, I'm sorry if our running into each other this weekend is a problem."
"It's not a problem." Melinda put her fork down and turned to her. "I just would like to keep my private life outside of work."
"People at school know I am gay. I'm very open about it. But I would never talk to anyone about you. That's your own business."